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Employee Q&A: Edmonton Warehouse Manager

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This month, we sat down with warehouse manager, Steve Cunningham from Source Edmonton to learn more about his role and gain insight into what it’s like to work in the Source warehouse. Steve has been an employee with Source since November of 2000 and he was excited to share his experiences with us. Continue reading to view the full interview.

Q: What three words would you use to describe Source as a company?

A: ‘Family-oriented’, ‘friendly’, and ‘family business.’  

Q: What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

A: Personally, my biggest achievement would be raising my kids. In comparison to how kids are raised these days, I feel proud of how I raised mine. My youngest is now 19.  

Q: What does a typical day look like for you?

A: A typical day starts in the morning at 8 a.m. when I have a meeting with the drivers and the warehouse staff. We come up with a daily game plan as well as a weekly plan. We do this every day to stay on top of everything. Every day is different and there’s always fires to put out but it keeps things interesting.  

Q: What are your biggest professional challenges?

A: I would say that because it’s a warehouse, the biggest challenge is the turnover rate with employees. There are always new employees coming and going.  

Q: What do you like most about your job?

A: I really enjoy managing staff and the daily busyness. It may seem like we’re only dealing with office furniture, but there are new challenges every day.  

Q: Given a chance, who would you like to be for a day (Anyone dead or alive)?

A: I would want to be Francisco Lindor. He’s the Cleveland Indian’s shortstop. I’m a huge baseball fan.  

Q: What did you want to be when you grew up?

A: I wanted to be a Major League Baseball player. I still play baseball today just for fun. I just turned 44 and I’m playing with 20-year-olds. I play almost every weekend in tournaments. It’s a lot of fun.  

Q: If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?

A: The first thing I would do is donate to the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton. After that, I would buy my dream car. I would probably buy an Audi or a BMW. Since I live in Edmonton I have to be reasonable.  

Q: Where did your career start? How has it progressed over the years?

A: My career with Source started by pushing a broom inside of a container. I knew nothing about office furniture. Over the years I did some deliveries in the warehouse and then I worked up to Warehouse Manager. Before I worked at Source I was a seasonal cement finisher, so I made quite the career change.  

Q: How do you define success?

A: I define success not with money but by family and friends.  

Q: What do you see as the latest trends in office furniture?

A: I would say the latest trend is height-adjustable furniture. Also the Newport Grey finish, we can’t get that in quick enough.  

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