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Kelowna Showroom Renovation

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This summer marks the one year anniversary of a stunning showroom renovation at our Source Kelowna store. The showroom space undertook a complete modernization and re-design that integrated stylish Artopex and Tayco work stations. In collaboration with Hatch Interior Design, we re-configured our space to highlight our product offerings in a new light. Furthermore, the new design allows our inside and outside sales representatives to work within the showroom, ready to help customers at a moments notice. To commemorate the anniversary, we wanted to share some photos of the transformation! The slideshow below showcases our showroom before, during and after the renovation. Undeniably, We love the finished product! At Source, we understand that designing an office can be a daunting task. Let us do the work for you! Our office floor planning and design experts use 2-dimensional drawings and 3-dimensional renderings to put your vision on paper. You’ll see the finished layout, complete with furniture before the first piece goes in. Additionally, when you’re ready to purchase, we’ll take you through the process and make sure you have everything you need, from desks and seating options to storage and accessories. Visit to learn more, or stop into one of our showroom locations across Canada.

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