To order online, please follow the following steps:
- Find the product you’d like to purchase in our shop.
- For cart-able products, please select the product style, size and finish options. If your product is customizable, please list the specifics you are looking for in this “Product Inquiry Notes” section.
- Indicate your product quantity.
- Press the “Order Request” button to cart your product.
- Once selected products have been carted, click on the shopping cart icon (
top right corner) to finalize your quote request. (Payment will not be taken until your order has been confirmed by a sales representative.)
- Review the items in your cart. Once you are ready to proceed, click the “Proceed to Checkout” button.
- Your checkout page will require you will enter your business & contact information.
- Once your information is complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Place Order Request” button.
- You will be emailed an order confirmation.
- Your order will now be forwarded to your chosen location, and a sales representative will follow up with you shortly to confirm your order.