Stay Green by Donating Old Office Furniture
Updating your office with new furniture is an exciting process. From the initial space planning consultation to the final arranging of your new desks, chairs, and storage solutions, you’re focused on what your new office will look like. In the end, you’ve got an updated, modern space that suits the work styles and needs of your staff.
You’re also faced with the question of what to do with old office furniture. With many businesses today committing to green initiatives and caring about their environmental footprint, you might be interested in options besides the landfill.
Four Options for Old Office Furniture
When considering old office furniture, keep these four principles in mind.

Reducing the number of employees in the boardroom at any given time makes it easier to maintain physical distancing while collaborating. Calendar booking software and room maximums can allow your employees to safely use a shared space.

Secondhand stores sometimes accept furniture donations, which they then clean, repair, and sell. Free sites such as Kijiji or your local classifieds offer options to list your items free with pickup. If you find a business willing to purchase your old office furniture, check with your company controller for guidelines on how to handle the sale.

Many municipalities offer wood and metal recycling services. Do an internet search for your city name plus “furniture recycling” or “eco centre” for more information. Some companies will even pick up your old furniture for a fee. Many recycling services will donate usable pieces to charitable organizations and recycle the rest, for extra eco-friendliness.

Leave It
If you’re moving offices as well as purchasing new office furniture, ask your real estate agent or building manager to put you in touch with the company now leasing your previous space. They may be willing to use the furniture you leave behind. This is a great way to pass it on and support other businesses in your area.
Preparing Furniture for Donation
If you’re planning on donating or otherwise giving away old office furniture, take the time to prepare your items. This will make them easier to move and improve your chances of finding someone to accept your donation.

Clean the furniture with a hard-surface disinfectant recommended by Health Canada. Check for protruding nails, splinters, or anything else that might be a safety hazard. If an item has multiple parts (for example, a reception area set), label each piece with tape so the receiver knows which items go together.

Some furniture can be disassembled for easier transport. Put screws, fixtures, and other small parts in a resealable plastic bag and tape it to the piece to keep it from getting lost.
If the receiving agency picks up your donation, ensure the furniture is easily accessible and entryways are clear of obstructions. Wear a mask and observe proper safety protocols when meeting workers at your office.
Companies that Accept Furniture Donations
National organizations often accept furniture donations, but individual locations may have different donation regulations. Always check with a company before bringing in your donation. And remember to get a receipt! Your donation may be tax deductible.

Habitat for Humanity
ReStore locations across Canada accept furniture donations. Habitat for Humanity works with businesses to coordinate corporate donations as well.

Furniture Bank Network
This Canadian company saves furniture from landfills and directs gently used donations into communities that need them.

Value Village
This secondhand store accepts furniture donations on behalf of nonprofits and also offers guidance on hosting your own fund drive.

Green Standards
This innovative company manages the recycling, resale, and distribution of donated office furniture across North America.

Office Move Pro
Work with a single company to donate good condition office furniture and responsibly recycle what can’t be reused.
Whether you’re opening your first office, moving to a new location, or updating your furniture, Source Office Furniture is ready to help. Get inspired by browsing our collections gallery and see the modern and stylish looks available. For more information on our products, or for personalized assistance in furnishing your office, request a consultation with our space planning professionals.